Many still associate peanuts with acne, gout, and other adverse health effects. Did you know that nuts also contain high levels of nutrients that are good for the body? Here are some nutrients contained in nuts, among others:
Consuming nuts will also not add fat in the body; this is why beans are usually added to a diet for someone trying to lose weight. Here are the benefits of nuts for your health, as reported by
1. Rich in Fiber
Eating nuts is good for digestive health because they contain lots of fiber. Fiber helps the body absorb more nutrients. Fiber also helps the bowel make smoother and more regular movements.
2. Low Fat
Baked beans won’t make you gain weight. This is because nuts are a delicious and low-fat food. Peanuts still contain fat, but fat with a high protein content.
3. Good Source of Protein
When going on a diet, it will be difficult to choose proteins that do not make you gain weight. Peanuts are the right choice for consumption during a diet because they are a good source of protein and are free of saturated fat.
4. Keeps you full longer
Eating beans will make you full longer. This is because beans contain lots of soluble fiber and expand in the stomach. Nutrient food will also be absorbed in the bloodstream, making the digestive system healthier.
5. Prevents cancer
Fiber contained in nuts also can help protect the body from cancer. A study concluded that bacteria will eat fiber in nuts which then produce compounds that can protect large intestinal cells from the danger of cancer. In addition, legumes also contain phytochemical compounds that are being studied and are thought to have anti-cancer properties.
6. Good for pregnancy
Beans contain folic acid which is a good supplement for pregnancies, protecting the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, folic acid is also good for producing new cells and protecting the body from cancer.
7. Helps hair growth
Fatty acids and Omega 3 contained in nuts will help grow healthy hair. The content of vitamin E is also able to reduce thinning hair and increase blood circulation in the scalp area. Now we know the various benefits that we can get from consuming beans. So start to multiply the consumption of nuts in sufficient portions for a healthier life!